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Take Survey 3!

Survey 3 is the final survey during the planning process. Richmond INSPIRE will offer a vision and roadmap for the Richmond Parks and Recreation System.

Review the draft Framework and Vision and provide feedback on future project prioritization criteria. Thank you for spending 10-15 minutes on this survey.

  • We have updated the plan’s Driving Principles in response to your feedback. Let us know your feedback regarding these principles!

  • What should we prioritize when looking at parks and facilities?

  • Share other considerations and thoughts!

There is an online version and two paper versions for those who would prefer a physical format. Instructions for submitting paper versions are included on each survey.

Surveys will be accepted until 3/24/2025 at 5 PM EST.

To make sure the final vision and plan are community-driven, we need to hear from you!

Spanish version coming soon!

Take and submit the paper version of the survey! If you or someone you know would prefer a physical survey, there are options below for printing a physical survey.

Submit your paper survey using one of the following methods.

  • Submit to a representative or ambassador for Richmond INSPIRE.

  • Drop off in drop box in the lobby at 1209 Admiral Street.

  • Mail to:

    Attn: Richmond INSPIRE

    Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities

    1209 Admiral Street Richmond

    Richmond, VA 23220

Download the Paper Survey Below - Visual Aid Version

We recommend printing the paper survey double-sided to conserve paper usage.

Download the Paper Survey Below - Paper Saving Version

We recommend printing the paper survey double-sided to conserve paper usage.

Download the Spanish Paper Survey Below - Paper Saving Version

This paper survey is translated into Spanish. We recommend printing the paper survey double-sided to conserve paper usage.

March 5

Interactive Future Project Feedback Map

March 5

Public Workshop Round 2